The Power of Consistency

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash

Authentic August – Day 18 (30 days ’til 28)

Two and a half weeks into this project and people are beginning to notice! Nothing major. Just little comments here and there. One friend even reached out to encourage me to keep it up. He’s an old coworker of mine, and someone I have a lot of respect for. He’s maybe in his late thirties or early forties, and he has a family to support, but even so his creative projects are amazing, and his work ethic is through the roof! We used to chat about my dreams/struggles to make music and other content, and I’d pick his brain for any tips he might’ve had for me. Anyway, he messaged me and said this:

“Hi Q! I’ve been noticing all your posts and new videos! I feel it was yesterday when we were talking about making things happen. I just want to let you know that I am really excited for you. All gas no brakes! Keep that good work coming.”

All gas, no brakes…

So good! And it felt so good to receive these kind words. Especially from someone I admire. And I just want to take a moment to appreciate the recognition. From him and from my other friends. These are the little reminders which tell me I’m on the right track. There isn’t a whole lot of fanfare in the beginning, which is a good thing actually! And it’s to be expected. So the encouraging words from friends is an unexpected surprise. And I’m grateful for them.

But what’s the lesson here? It isn’t that we should do creative work just so people will notice. It isn’t that we should feel better about the recognition than we do the actual creative process. The lesson is about the power of consistency. And of course, consistency is something I knew was powerful in theory, but now I’m experiencing it for myself.

When I started my YouTube channel I made an announcement video where I basically said I want to exercise my “consistency and finishing muscles.” I’d been so inconsistent with my creative work that I knew the first thing I needed to master was my ability to stay consistent and my ability to finish things to completion. And with YouTube the goal was to post something every week. But now I guess I’m throwing something up there every day! (At least for August… we’ll see if we extend this thing!)

So I’m beginning to see that I can be consistent. And that’s so wonderful because I’m beginning to change the narrative. I’m starting to see myself differently. If I want to overcome this idea that “I can’t commit to anything,” or that “I’m always starting projects, but never finishing them,” then I need to create the evidence that tells a different story. And something as simple as writing 500 words every day and then reading it out load in a livestream… I’m beginning to see there’s a different story to tell.

So what can you do every single day? Do you need stronger “consistency/finishing” muscles? Would you like to tell yourself a different story?

My buddy sent this video to me right before July ended and it influenced my decision to start “Authentic August.” It demonstrates the power of consistency with one man’s journey of drawing a bird. Every. Single. Day. It’s amazing, and I highly recommend you watch the whole thing! Let me know in the comments what you’re going to do every single day.

With LOVE,
