Simply September

Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Simply September – Day 1 (16 days ’til 28)

Hello and welcome to Simply September! This will be a lot like Authentic August, with the following adjustments to the rules:

  1. Write at least 250 words.
  2. Publish at least 4 times a week.
  3. Still be authentic.
  4. Still sing one song everyday.

If you’ve been keeping up with the blog thus far, you know how much fulfillment I’ve gotten from writing here every single day, so I want to maintain some semblance of that. Thing is, September is a busy month for me, so I want to set realistic goals for myself. I know myself enough to know that I’d feel disappointed and guilty if I didn’t stick to say the daily writing goal, so this is my way of building slack into the system.

That said, I’m going to do my best to write every day anyway lol. Simply September is just a continuation of last month’s blog with the same focus on creativity, curiosity, and connection. And of course, as you can see in the tagline up on the left-hand corner of this page, the dominant, overarching question of this blog is

How do we strike a good balance between Discipline and Surrender and thus enter a state of Play (Flow)?

I chose the word “Simply” because it’s shorter than “Sincerely” and because I actually do like keeping things simple (despite what my over-analytical mind might say!). I’m on an ongoing quest for more simplicity – a semi-minimalist lifestyle, you could say – because I just can’t seem to focus when there’s too much clutter and when there’s too much going on.

So if you’re new here coming in on the winds of the new month, thanks for sticking around! I’m figuring out life one day at a time and sharing what I’m learning, because… what’s the alternative?

With LOVE,
