
Simply September – Day 2 (15 days ’til 28)

(This is more of a stream of consciousness/brainstorming post, FYI.)

I took a break from bullet journaling for the month of August, but I’m still undecided if I’m going to pick it back up just yet. I do miss the practice, but it can get a little time-consuming. Perhaps I can find some version that would serve as a sort of Minimum Effective Dose.

Needless to say I’m thinking about how best to go about this month. I’ve made some pretty hefty commitments to myself, and I’d like to see them through. At the same time, I don’t want to be pulled back into the “momentum” and “commotion” that comes when I overbook myself.

So here’s what I’m thinking:

1st thing – Morning Routine // 7 Habits

2nd thing – Metanoia Responsibilities

3rd thing – This Blog!

Those are the general umbrella categories I’d like to pay attention to. Again, I’m trying to simplify for this upcoming year of birth. So less is more! That is the name of the game right now.

And patience.

And prayer.

Seems like this post is just remembering everything I wrote about in August lol. And I still have yet to reread those and do a proper reflection on them. I’ll be going on vacation next week, so I’ll carve out some dedicated time to review Authentic August.

I’m noticing that anxious feeling again. So I’d like to take a moment to remind myself that everything I’m trying to finish by the end of today… It can honestly all wait until tomorrow. Heck, it can even wait ’til the next day! So Christian… take a breath. You are okay. Even when you aren’t doing anything productive. You. Are. Okay. You’ve already done a lot for the day and you had work. So just relax. Say a little prayer. And do it again tomorrow! I love you.

With LOVE,
