Commotion to Clarity

Photo by Thomas Vimare on Unsplash

Authentic August – Day 23 (25 days ’til 28)

I’m just going to do a journaling exercise for today’s post. This is what I do whenever I feel like there’s too much commotion in my head and I need some clarity. The exercise is simple: just write down a question and answer it. Then rinse and repeat. We already do this all day erryday in our heads, but this brings more clarity to my thinking. Seeing my logic (or lack thereof) written out on the page ensures I am moving forward with my thinking and not just going around in circles. When I’m just thinking in my head I can’t always see that my thoughts are trapped in a loop, at least not until I’ve made a few rounds. Because this daily blog has temporarily replaced my journaling habit, I figure I’ll just do this exercise here out in the open, since it’s related to everything I’ve been discussing with simplification and patience. So here it goes!

Q! Long time, no see. Let’s see if we can bring more clarity to the commotion in your head…

What is the perceived problem?

I’m doing too much and it’s making me feel scattered and impatient.

What are all the things you’re “doing”?

In no particular order:

What can you drop from this list?

I guess I can drop “Authentic August” when the month is over. I can drop “niching down” for now and just make videos for fun’s sake, which is a more sustainable way to go about it anyway. I’m committed to everything else on the list.

What is the ONE THING you can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?

I’d really like to start “Tidying Up.” That’s what this weekend was supposed to be for anyway, but we had family visiting unexpectedly, and I helped out with the yard work. It will make things easier in the sense that I’ll get it out of the way. And I fully expect to feel a sense of renewal after the whole process is complete. So as soon as we’re done here, let’s get started on the “Clothes” subcategory for tidying up.

How will you execute on the remaining items on the list?

Because I’m focusing on fully integrating The 7 Habits into my life, I’ll read it first thing in the morning. Then I’ll write the blog. I can write about whatever, or I can write about what I’m learning in The 7 Habits. Then I’ll exercise. Then Metanoia. Then time with Chrys. Then the rest of the day to create for YouTube. So maybe for my days off that looks like this:

5:00 am – The 7 Habits

6:00 am – Authentic August

7:30 am – Exercise

8:30 am – Metanoia

10:00 am – Tutor Chrys

12:00 pm – Lunch

1:00-5:00 pm – YouTube // Music // Tidying // Miscellaneous

6:00 pm – Family

9:00 pm – Sleep

Obviously this is a general template. Some days I’ll have meetings or random stuff come up, but this is a good flow to all the given things I need to do every day.

Why are you doing any of this in the first place?

Good question! Why does any of this matter? Because I’d like to prove to myself that I actually can take care of myself, my dreams, and my responsibilities; I can do it all. Routine is good for me. I’ve glimpsed this truth already. And as much as I love my spontaneity, I’d like to get to know a more disciplined Christian. Free from the grip of his extraverted ways, and firmly held in a self-loving embrace. This is self-care unlike any I’ve experienced before. This is prioritizing my well-being and my dreams. This is letting go of all the drama, romance, and other new shiny objects (for now!). This is Discipline. This is Surrender. And I pray may I discover Play in the process.

With LOVE,
